Davo Luxe Country Albums exude quality and craftsmanship that lend an air of distinction to every collection with the security and protection which your stamps demand. Made in Holland since 1945, these simplified luxurious albums are bound in navy blue and embossed with the national country crest on its cover and spine. With a space for each stamp and with crystal clear protective mounts already affixed for immediate insertion of your stamps, this luxury album really is the album for the collector who wants to give his collection a touch of class. The leaves, which are of finest quality white 80lb. paper, have been expertly arranged and include selected illustrations and descriptions for your guidance.
Each Davo Country Album include pages, binders and slipcases, except when noted. Blank pages are also available, as well as extra binders or slipcases.
Yearly supplements are published in June of each year to bring the collection up-to-date and can be found here.
Davo Luxe pages include a space for each stamp with crystal clear protective mounts already affixed for immediate insertion of your stamps. Binder not included.
Davo Luxe pages include a space for each stamp with crystal clear protective mounts already affixed for immediate insertion of your stamps. Binder not included.